Taken from public Facebook page pictures.
Summer is coming to a close for 2019. For some parents, it’s a welcome relief to pass the kids off to teachers for part of the day! How many of you Moms are going to be taking the day off to stay at home in your PJ’s and relax for a day?
For some, it means that Big Rocks will no longer be packed every day. Restaurants and stores will be quieter and the lines less lengthy.
And yet, there is always a part of all this which will be missed as summer ends: the cheerful laughter of children playing, striking up conversations among strangers at parks and rivers, the smell of sunscreen and barbecues and swimming pools mingling in the summer air. There is always good to see in all things!
I asked local law enforcement officials how Somervell Times could help them as a new school year begins.
Sheriff Alan West replied, “We at the Somervell County Sheriff’s Office take pride in our community. One of those important parts is our youth. With that being said, school safety and all aspects around the school are important for each citizen. Let us all be cautious in the upcoming weeks as we begin a new year for these children, teachers, and administrators. GO TIGERS!”
Our Glen Rose Police Chief, Buck Martin responded, “Let’s keep everyone safe by paying close attention in school zones! Let’s have a great 2019 – 2020 school year. Go Tigers!”
I am super stoked that both took the time from their busy schedule to reply to me, AND, that Glen Rose school spirit lives in them! GO TIGERS!
With school starting up on Wednesday, August 14, we thought we’d write up something useful for the community. Here are some tips to get you through this week!
Leave early – There will be a lot of extra traffic for a few days with parents and children adjusting to buses, etc. If you’re coming from south of town, remember, traffic will be backed up to the square. Leave yourself enough time to get to work without cutting through parking lots or speeding through residential zones (both of which can earn you a ticket.)
Cell Phones In School Zones – This is very important and can save you hundreds of dollars. In Texas, in school zones, all drivers are prohibited from texting and using handheld devices while driving. See the Texas Cell Phone Ordinances by clicking here.
When Can I Pass A School Bus? – According to Texas law, drivers must stop when a school bus extends its stop sign or turns on their flashing red lights. When a school bus is stopped, drivers must come to a complete stop on all lanes in both traveling directions; this is with the exception of a road with a raised median or barrier. On-coming traffic on the other side of the road from where the bus is stopped, does not have to stop.
It is illegal in all 50 states to pass a school bus that is stopped to load or unload children from either direction if you’re on an undivided road. In Texas, you can expect to pay a fine of at least $500.
Keep Your Eyes Open For Student Crossings – There are children who still walk to school for a variety of reasons. These kids range in age and maturity levels. Make sure to keep an eye out for them crossing at crosswalks, AND maybe even other areas where they shouldn’t be crossing. Let’s keep the kids in our community safe!
Slow Down – Remember that the speed limit is 15 m.p.h. in school zones! While not convenient, it’s for the safety of the children. As someone who has witnessed a child (my brother) being hit by a car, I know that it’s all victims. The driver, passengers and the child who gets hit. It changes you. Please slow down for the sake of the kids and there are hefty fines if you get caught.
On another note, the Brazos River Charter School begins this week as well, today, Monday, August 12th. While they don’t run buses or maintain school zones, please be careful of the traffic turning in and out of Highway 67 at FM 199. Exercise caution and watch for teen drivers.
One more thing, if you are dropping your child off at school this week, remember that there will be some who are trying to figure out the drop off and pick up routine. Be patient, courteous, and be nice to the teachers, too. The first day of school can be rough for the teachers as well.
Have a great first week back-to-school, Glen Rose!
Great article and great info! Thanks for caring about the safety of our children!
Great read. Also remember that the kids are out running getting ready for cross country.
I would like to remind folks of something you mentioned. Some children may dart out without looking for cars. Many are not tall enough to be seen before they reach the roadway.Also, some may be riding bicycles, so be aware of them, too. I remember a child falling on his bicycle un front of my moving vrhicle. Thankfully, I was moving slowly and watching the rider, so no collision happened. Just plenty of shaking on what could’ve happened on both sides. Remember, no phone call/ email/ text is more important than a person’s life. Like James said, everyone’s life will forever be changed if there is an incident.
Thank you for the reminder Kathy!