Weekly Devotional: Do Not Worry

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” ~ Philippians 4:6

Just before this first, the end of verse 5 says, “The Lord is at hand;” reminding us that the Lord is always present, always near, always available.

When you read a scripture like verse 6, do you believe it? Do you still worry or get anxious about things? Why?

When you do feel anxious, is  your immediate reflex to humbly come before the Father in prayer? When do you come before Him,  is your vision so focused on your worry that you forget to thank Him for all of the things He is doing in you and around you? I do. I get tunnel vision on problems too. But, I want to do better.

The best way to build spiritual “muscle memory” is to practice. What worries to you have right now at this moment? What are you thankful for right now? Let’s go to the Father and talk with Him for a moment.

God bless you and your families!

~ James Oliver
Pastor, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Church

Photo Credit: Jake Oates

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James Oliver
James Oliver is a passionate follower of Jesus, a pastor, a husband and father. He is a technology geek, entrepreneur, and student of apologetics. He is also the founder of Somervell Times - Somervell County's Premiere News Source!

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