Meet the Roaring Tigers!

Taking place in the Tiger Arena, Peewee and 7th-12th grade sports players gather for an annual event of Meet the Tigers! Immediately when you walk in, you hear all of the kids’ excitement. Meet the Tigers is an event held to welcome all of the district teams.


The arena is crowded with sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, and many other relatives. Even some friends come! The seats were filling quickly. The excitement and cheer grows even more wild down stairs!


The boys and girls are joyous in the halls of the down stairs arena. Laughter and cheers are flying in the air. Enthusiastic faces are flashing bright grins. Friends interacting eagerly with each other. The atmosphere very~~~.


Little kid joy is always the cutest! All the young boys and girls showed great excitement to be here. The young football boys are enthusiastic to be in front of many of the people who may be their role models. Some may have an older sibling in which they shared the same interests in the sport. Yet, of course we can’t forget the little misses that are dolled up for their cheer routine! Makeup and glitter, red and white uniforms, happy, bright smiles on their faces. They too might have a role model in the upper levels! We’ll for sure love to see them on the cheer team for the Junior High and High School!

GRISD Cheerleader


The hard working cheer teams have been warming up during preparation. They perfected their cheers, flips, cartwheels, and tumbles. The

beautiful and amazingly talented baton twirler, Laney Whitefield, has an outstanding performance, AS ALWAYS! These girls do an outstanding job and they have very bright futures ahead of them! Then of course there are the very talented dancers who have also worked very hard and put much effort into they moves!





The football boys walk along the court with pride, they have accomplished many things and will continue to do so if they keep the right mindset! Next, The now 7th grade girls lead, with 8th grade trailing behind. These girls will be participating in either volleyball, basketball, and/or track. The same order proceeded with the boys 7th and 8th grade group. While talking about the sports, every single year the quantity of players and participators has increased by many! The school has many great coaches who love what they do!




Huge credits to the band performers who showed! They learned and practiced the school song, intro, and outro music. It’s impressive what music sounds like in a band when you’re conducted correctly and you give effort in something that you choose to do and love!


Quick Note: Due to a malfunction in filming, I was unable to include a video of the cheerleaders, dancers, and the baton twirler. I am so sorry for that inconvenience.

Thank you, and I hope you have a great day!

BrookLynn Peterson

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About the Author

BrookLynn Peterson
BrookLynn is a Jr. High student in Glen Rose. She loves to play all sports and loves to write. During her free time she likes to hang with friends.

5 Comments on "Meet the Roaring Tigers!"

  1. Good article and well written 👍

  2. What a well written article. Hard to believe it was written Jr High student. You have a definite talent in writing. Brooklyn you have a definite talent. Good luck to you and enjoy you school years to the fullest.

  3. Treka Laviada | August 19, 2019 at 9:25 pm | Reply

    Great article Brooklynn.Thank you. I could not attend so I appreciate your play by play.

  4. Louise Raifsnder | August 19, 2019 at 9:25 pm | Reply

    Good job and well written article. Have a great school year.

  5. Great job, BrookLynn!

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