I’m Ugly. No One Will Ever Want Me.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8

How often do we believe lies? We tell ourselves things like “No one loves me”, or “I’m not good at anything”, or “I need _________________ to be happy”, or “That’s just how I am” or “I’m ugly. No one will ever want me.”, and much worse things? A big one is “If I were gone, no one would miss me.” or “Everyone would be better off without me”.

I see posts frequently on Facebook with the suicide hotline (1-800-273-8255) shared in my news feed. The enemy is real and the enemy has come to lie to us (speak things like above), steal from us (take our joy, our happiness, our sanity sometimes), and destroy us (keep  us from having the best relationship possible with our Father in heaven). I hate the enemy with everything in me. I hope you do also!

Please remember to think about the truth. Compare your thoughts with the Word. What does God say about you? (He created you in your mothers womb. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He LOVES you!). What does God say about life? That we will find joy and happiness in Him. That we will struggle. That life will be messy, but He is there along with us every step and we can trust Him.

What’s is something you know is a lie, but your mind struggles to believe the truth? Conquer it today! Equip yourself with the Word to destroy those lies and start believing the truth!

~ James Oliver

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About the Author

James Oliver
James Oliver is a passionate follower of Jesus, a pastor, a husband and father. He is a technology geek, entrepreneur, and student of apologetics. He is also the founder of Somervell Times - Somervell County's Premiere News Source!

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