Cornerstone Church – Back To School Burger Bash Event

For 6 years in a row, Cornerstone has been hosting an event at the Church. It’s called the Back To School Burger Bash – It’s mostly an excuse to hang out with folks, play some fun family games, listen to some live music (including Karaoke), and eat BURGERS!

If you’ve never been out to hang out with us, bring your kids to enjoy bounce houses, probably some water games, and don’t worry, we have some games for the adults also – Horse shoes, washers, and who knows what else! It’s a blast for the whole family!

This year, we wanted to bring back some of the old games that those of us born back in the 1900’s used to play. For instance sack races, 3 legged races, and that game with the spoons and eggs. In my day, we would have said this event is going to be rad. My parents would have said groovy. My kids might say chill.

If you’ve been wondering about Cornerstone Church, it’s a great time to come hang out with the leaders, and the great folks who come together every Sunday to worship Jesus! Go to another church already? No problem! Come eat a burger and hang out anyway!!


Cornertone Christian Fellowship Church

3184 FM 202, Glen Rose, Texas 76043

Starts at 6pm


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About the Author

James Oliver
James Oliver is a passionate follower of Jesus, a pastor, a husband and father. He is a technology geek, entrepreneur, and student of apologetics. He is also the founder of Somervell Times - Somervell County's Premiere News Source!

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