Health Alert: Severe Lung Disease Among Persons Who Report Vaping

Many of us have been watching articles and posts about the many dying from a respiratory illness possibly caused by vaping. Here’s a video from ABC News:

This is something so big on the radar right now that the Texas Health and Human Services put out a health alert on August 16, 2019. The Glen Rose Medical Center has been working hard to get this out to the local community. We want to share it as well. You can download the August 16, 2019 Health Alert by clicking this download button:

A short excerpt from the PDF:


The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is investigating suspected cases of pulmonary disease among individuals who report vaping. Similar cases have occurred in multiple other states, some resulting in hospitalization. All suspect cases reported vaping with products including nicotine and/or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Evaluation for infectious diseases was negative in all patients.

DSHS is working with other states and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to better characterize case demographics, clinical characteristics, and exposures.

Continued on the document above…

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About the Author

James Oliver
James Oliver is a passionate follower of Jesus, a pastor, a husband and father. He is a technology geek, entrepreneur, and student of apologetics. He is also the founder of Somervell Times - Somervell County's Premiere News Source!

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