Why Somervell Times?

Hi y’all! I thought I’d make my first article on myself – not from selfishness or pride, but just so that you can all get to know me a little better since I’m starting this website. I’m calling this an “Interest” piece even though I’m not very interesting!

I’m A Local Pastor

My name is James Oliver. I am one of your local pastors – I pastor Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Church here in Glen Rose (Out on 202 by the Eulogy Turnoff in the Rock Creek area). I am an unapologetic follower of Jesus Christ. Just last week, on August 1, I had my 21st anniversary to Amber Oliver. If you’re from here, she graduated here and was Amber Wieman for almost as long as she’s been an Oliver. We have 2 daughters and a son that I am very proud of. My oldest just finished her Associates at Hill College (and is looking for a job as a digital artist.. anyone? anyone?).

I have owned 2 companies in Glen Rose – 1. SOLFAN Consulting – A computer consulting company from 2003 – 2014. 2. Monoliver Marketing, LLC – A custom web design and online marketing company from 2010 – Present.

I have been involved with The Promise in Glen Rose in some capacity since 1992. This year (2019), I’m playing a few characters on stage and looking forward to it! Trivia Q & A: How many of my children have played baby Jesus in the show? All 3 of them!

My political views lean to the right. I only tell you that because you might as well know that now. Some of the content on this website may be left leaning and some may be right leaning. I want to try to find a balance. I try to have a balanced perspective as much as I can! Anyway…

The Idea…

Several years ago, I had a great idea for a local news site – more than just news. I’m a tech guy and I can feed a lot of things into a site without having to do a lot of writing myself. You’ll probably see a lot of articles from other news sites on here with attribution to them – linked directly to them. I don’t feel like, in this day an age, it’s necessary for us to have all unique content. I purchased SomervellTimes.com and began a website. With many of my projects, I never finished it.

Well, reading about our local paper becoming more and more news not even from Glen Rose is rather irritating. Now, they’re being sold to some company in New York City (All the people say? “NEW YORK CITY?! Get a rope!” – Sorry. I couldn’t resist.). It’s not really New York City – It’s Pittsford, NY. Doesn’t matter to me. What do those guys know about Glen Rose?

Anyway, if I have my way, this website will incorporate all forms of media – Articles, Videos, Audio, and whatever else we can put on here that the people of Somervell County might find interesting. I’d love to hear about your favorite places in Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, etc.

I will share the content of this website to Latest News for Somervell County, TX group (Which I am an admin), and the Somervell Times News Page.

Who has an interesting story to share?

Who loves local sports? I’m not really a sports fan, but I know that many folks are. I’d love to post the scores of games and pictures and videos from home and away games. If someone is willing, I’ll find a way for them to do a live feed right from the games to the site. How about a video of sports highlights from the week?

I’d love to see stories posted about families, businesses, restaurants, etc. Let’s make this something really great for Somervell County! I can’t do this alone. I don’t have the time. I just have the technical background to swing the technology to make it all happen.

Who’s paying for this??

There will be advertising on this site to support the site and the various ministries of James Oliver Ministries… Eventually. It’s not my priority.

If you’re a follower of Jesus, I’d ask that you pray for this new site – That everything on it glorifies God and that He would bring the right people together to make this happen!

Thank you for all of you who will support this venture! Spread the word! Share this site!


James Oliver


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About the Author

James Oliver
James Oliver is a passionate follower of Jesus, a pastor, a husband and father. He is a technology geek, entrepreneur, and student of apologetics. He is also the founder of Somervell Times - Somervell County's Premiere News Source!

2 Comments on "Why Somervell Times?"

  1. Looking forward to this new site coming to life. I’ll do what I can to help. 😊

  2. Looking forward to local area news!!! Thank you!!!

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