Kristen Gibson – New CVB Director

As I’m sure many of you have seen by now, Glen Rose has a new CVB Director starting on September 16. Kristen Gibson, who has served in our community for 13 years as Operations Manager for The Promise and most recently, as the Events Coordinator for our wonderful city of Glen Rose.

She is replacing Kelly Harris in the new role in our community. She’s going to have quite the shoes to fill!

After reading an article on the Glen Rose Reporter,  that many of you have probably seen, I didn’t want to write up something containing the same info an bore you to death, so I asked Mrs. Gibson about the new role. Here’s a short Q & A with Mrs. Gibson.

James Oliver: What is your initial goals as CVB Director long term? Your vision, if you will, for the CVB.

Kristen Gibson: My vision is to encourage tourism from the inside out! To work together as a unit to share all of the amazing experiences people can enjoy. It’s really amazing all of the assets that Glen Rose has to offer. From the beautiful scenery, Big Rocks, river, museums, art, unique dining and lodging, parks, animals, world class entertainment, natural treasures, square, golf course, climate controlled expo, and DINOSAUR TRACKS just to name a few!

James Oliver: What are you looking forward to the most in the new role?

Kristen Gibson: Joining forces with all of our partners and members of the community to promote amazing tourism experiences. Everyone has such a sense of pride in Glen Rose! I love this community, and when you join forces and work together, amazing things happen! I’ve learned that teamwork truly does makes the dream work, and each person who participates in the effort makes the experience so much richer. Tapping in to all of our knowledge and resources helps us all. Tourism is not a one person endeavor. It takes a whole village!

James Oliver: What do you think is the key component of support from the community to help our CVB?

Kristen Gibson: Communication and encouraging involvement. No one can know everything! So, communication is so important. Our goal is to encourage folks to be engaged with our office and share information about their events and happenings, and to stay in the loop by stopping in or checking in on social media and our website to see the latest events! Our hope is that you won’t be able to help but to know what’s going on! There are lots of ways people can get involved and participate in tourism from learning more and sharing their knowledge about the city, it’s history and things that make it unique, to volunteering at events, helping us greet in the visitors center, and so much more!

Glen Rose has something for all ages and interest groups, and we love that it can be everyone’s favorite place to visit.

Thank you so much for your time. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m looking forward to your success as CVB Director for our wonderful little town of Glen Rose – The Dinosaur Capital!

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About the Author

James Oliver
James Oliver is a passionate follower of Jesus, a pastor, a husband and father. He is a technology geek, entrepreneur, and student of apologetics. He is also the founder of Somervell Times - Somervell County's Premiere News Source!

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